Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Indians are world’s greenest

That cold water bath many Indians take because there is no electricity... that earthen pot matka they use because they cant afford a fridge...and the long walk to work and back because private transport is expensive and public transport shoddy. Well, theres an upside to the hard life.

Indians may be green with envy at the consumption drive lifestyle in the west, but their own frugal ways and modest means has catapulted them to the top spot in the worlds Green index, making them the friendliest denizens of Planet Earth.

The second annual survey conducted by National Geographic Society and the international polling firm GlobeScan on environmentally sustainably behavior, results of which were released Wednesday, showed that Indian consumers have overtaken Brazilians to take the top spot with a Greendex score of 59.5. Chinese retained the third spot with 55.2. At the bottom end of the ladder in the 17-country survey were over consumptive Americans (last with 43.7), Canadians (43.5) and Japanese (49.3).

So what put Indians at the top of the Green ladder? Well, it was driven by above-average performance on all four sub-indices, including ranking first for food and goods.

Indians are the most frequent consumers of self grown food, with 35 percent eating this type of food several times a week or daily. They are also the least frequent consumers of beef, which requires greater energy to grow. Only 22 percent of Indians consume beef weekly compared with an average of 63 percent for the others.

Indian consumers also topped the goods sub-index score. Their top-placement status is due in part to having lower-than-average rates of ownership for large appliances and electronics, and having highest rates for buying used goods, avoiding environmentally unfriendly products and excessive packaging.

Girl, Wakes Up From Coma Singing 'Mamma Mia'

A 3-year-old girl who fell into a coma after getting meningitis stunned her mother when she woke up singing the Abba hit “Mamma Mia.”Layla Towsey was so ill she had been put on a life support machine and her mum had kissed her goodbye. But five days after falling ill, Layla slowly started to regain consciousness. And Katy(her mother) felt sure her daughter would recover when she heard her very gently singing the Abba tune.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama nominates Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court,

Mr. Obama announced the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor Tuesday at the White House. If confirmed, the 54-year-old Sotomayor will be the first Hispanic judge on the nine-member high court.

Obama was looking someone with empathy and a "real life" storyline. He probably got both with his historic pick of Sotomayor.Sotomayor would join Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court. The first female was Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

Sotomayor was nominated to the second circuit court of appeals by former President Clinton in 1998 and was tapped in 1991 for the federal court by former President George H.W. Bush.

Sotomayor, born June 25, 1954, is a 1976 graduate of Princeton, picking up a law degree from Yale in 1979. Her father died when she was a youngster.

The Democrats have 60 votes, but that does not mean there will not be a confirmation battle. She was already attacked by a conservative group--an hour before Obama's announcement-- as being too liberal.

Mike Tyson's daughter critical after accident

Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter is in critical condition after she was found with a cord around her neck following an accident. She is currently on life support.Exodus Tyson’s 7-year-old brother found her on a treadmill with her neck in the cord that dangles from the console of the exercise machine at their Phoenix home.The boy told Exodus’ mother, who was in another room. She took Exodus off the cord, called 911 and tried to revive her.

The child was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in central Phoenix, where she was listed in critical condition on life support.

Police said that based on the initial investigation, the incident appeared to be "a tragic accident,former heavyweight champion Tyson had been in Las Vegas but flew to Phoenix immediately after learning of the accident.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Doctors save boy who swallowed battery

Doctors in Yekaterinburg, Russia saved the life of a one-year-old boy whose gullet and trachea had been burnt by alkali from a swallowed battery.

The boy, named as Yegor, was hospitalized in the town of Krasnoturinsk (the Sverdlovsk region of Russia) on suspicion of pneumonia. Doctors tried their best to cut the temperature down, but the condition of the little one was worsening. On the third day, they radiographed him and gasped with surprise – a foreign body stuck in the gullet of the baby. It became known that the playful baby boy had swallowed a battery from a remote control unit.

The operation lasted for six hours. Surgeons disjoined the child’s trachea and gullet and sewed up the hole that the battery had burnt out. The boy was afterwards put into artificial sleep and connected to the respiration unit.

The little kid is fine now. The operation has been nominated as “The Operation of the Year”.

via: pravda

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What is klippel trenaunay syndrome?

Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome is a slow-flow combined vascular anomaly.Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber Syndrome or KTS is a rare congenital medical condition in which blood vessels and/or lymph vessels fail to form properly.

Symptoms and diagnosis

* One or more distinctive port-wine stains with sharp borders
* Varicose veins
* Hypertrophy of bony and soft tissues, that may lead to local gigantism or shrinking.
* An improperly developed lymph system


KTS is a complex syndrome, and no single treatment is applicable for everyone. Treatment is decided on a case-by-case basis with the individual's doctors.

Debulking has been the most widely used treatment for the syndrome, and has been used for decades. Progress has been made in this method over the course of the past couple decades, but it is still an invasive procedure, and has many complications. As other choices now exist for KTS patients, this method is generally reserved as a last resort.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rapper Dolla shot dead Suspect Identified

Roderick Anthony Burton II better known by his stage name Dolla, was an American rapper was fatally shot at the Beverly Center mall parking garage Monday by a suspect who fled in a silver Mercedes, according to police. Officers later detained a "person of interest" as he approached the ticketing area at Los Angeles International Airport armed with a gun.
The shooting occurred around 3:10 p.m. in the valet waiting area of the popular Westside mall, sending nearby diners diving for cover. He was shot in the head while he and another rapper, D.J. Shabbazz, were waiting in the valet area, according to Dolla's publicist, Sue Vannasing.

A man has been arrested in connection with the shooting death of rapper Dolla , he goes by the name Aubery Berry which is yet not sure.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

World's tallest dog loses leg to bone cancer

The world's tallest dog is fighting bone cancer that forced the amputation of one of his front legs.

Gibson stands 3 1/2-feet tall at the shoulder and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. The black and white great Dane from Grass Valley, Calif., stretches more than 7 feet tall when he stands on his hind legs.

Veterinarians found a tumor on Gibson's right front leg and had to amputate. The dog will also undergo chemotherapy. He was recuperating this week at his home in Grass Valley, a Gold Rush-era town 60 miles east of Sacramento.

Owner Sandy Hall says well-wishers from around the world have been asking how he is doing.

Gibson is a certified therapy dog and will soon return to work visiting veterans, sick children, burn victims and fellow cancer patients.

World's tallest dog loses leg to bone cancer

The world's tallest dog is fighting bone cancer that forced the amputation of one of his front legs.

Gibson stands 3 1/2-feet tall at the shoulder and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records. The black and white great Dane from Grass Valley, Calif., stretches more than 7 feet tall when he stands on his hind legs.

Veterinarians found a tumor on Gibson's right front leg and had to amputate. The dog will also undergo chemotherapy. He was recuperating this week at his home in Grass Valley, a Gold Rush-era town 60 miles east of Sacramento.

Owner Sandy Hall says well-wishers from around the world have been asking how he is doing.

Gibson is a certified therapy dog and will soon return to work visiting veterans, sick children, burn victims and fellow cancer patients.

Anna Wintour wears sunglasses to hide her boredom

Anna Wintour revealed on 60 Minutes that sunglasses are her armor. She says if she is wearing sunglasses then she can sit bored at a show and nobody will notice. The New York Post quotes her as saying: "I can sit in a show and if I am bored out of my mind, nobody will notice. At this point, they have become, really, armour."Wintour is not the only celebrity to hide behind her sunglasses.Victoria Beckham is rarely seen without her huge designer glasses and has previously explained she feels better wearing them as people can see less of her face.She has said: "I'm not over confident and feel better if I hide behind my glasses and wear a cap as that means there is less of me for people to judge

Srilanka wins the war LTTE chief commits suicide

The Sri Lankan President has finally declared victory in civil war.The statement was issued as the Sri Lankan government was moving in for a final push today in its 26-year civil war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) after announcing that all civilians had been evacuated from the rebels' tiny enclave on the north-east coast of the island.

The LTTE, who once controlled a major state across much of the north, have been fighting since 1983 for a separate state for minority Tamils after decades of marginalization by the Sinhalese majority. Responsible for hundreds of suicide attacks _ including the 1991 assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi _ the Tamil Tigers have been branded terrorists by the U.S., E.U. and India and shunned internationally.

The U.N. says 7,000 civilians were killed and 16,700 wounded from Jan. 20 through May 7. Since then, health officials say more than 1,000 civilians have been killed in a week of heavy shelling that rights groups and foreign governments have blamed on Sri Lankan forces.

The Lankan army claims Prabhakaran is dead.Sri Lankan army sources said that his body has been recovered and is being taken to an army camp in Colombo.Lankan sources says top LTTE leadership may have committed mass suicide.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Boy attempt to Rob Bank With Banana, Then Eats It Before Police Arrive

Have you ever thought that any bank can be robbed with banana.This sounds very unusual, but a boy in north Carolina US , unsuccessfully did this . 17-year-old John Szwalla held the banana under his shirt when he entered the store last Thursday, saying he had a gun and demanded money.The store owner and customer jumped Szwalla, holding him until deputies arrived. The owner says the teen ate the banana before the police arrive.Deputies took pictures of the banana peel. Now I ask two questions

Can this teen be charged for destroying the evidence ? or can he be charged of armed robbery attempt?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Girl that cries tears of Blood

In a very unusual twist of medical fate, Rashida Khatoon, a young girl from northeast India cries tears of blood instead of water.

She and her unusual medical condition have been transformed into a holy shrine where worshipers come to watch in awe as blood drips from her eyelids several times a day.

Doctors in the region of Patna, northeast India, have no medical explanation as to the cause of this most unusual anomaly, but local Hindu holy men have declared Rashida a miracle. Followers bow in deference as they stand before her, showering her family with holy offerings.

“I do not feel any pain when it happens, but it’s a shock to see blood instead of water,” said Rashida of her most unusual situation.

What could be the cause of this weird occurrence? Some have suggested a brain tumor or malfunctioning of tear ducts, but there is no medical evidence to support that. No one in authority in fact, seems to know or will even venture a guess, which is even more disconcerting than to watch the phenomenon, which occurs every few hours.

Could Rashida be suffering from a case of a rare phenomenon known as Haemolacria? Little is known about this medical condition other than the fact that it occurs when a person produces tears, which are partially composed of blood. This can manifest as anything from red-tinged tears to those, which appear to be entirely blood.


Nemenhah Band in news ?

In news this time is a small pseudo-religious group known as the Nemenhah Band.The Nemenhah band is a religious group based in Missouri. They have become popular after news of a boy with cancer refusing chemotherapy have come to the light. A judge has ruled that the boy goes under this therapy.The Nemenhah band use only natural methods for healing, methods employed by American Indians. Here is what they say about themselves:

“The Nemenhah Band and Native American Traditional Organization (Oklevueha Native American Church of Sanpete) was established as an Indigenous Group and People by Self Determination through the original writing and ratification of the Band Constitution in 2003 by the General Council of Nemenhah Mothers. Phillip ‘Cloudpiler’ Landis, NAP, ND, was elected to the position of Principle Medicine Chief and has been re-elected every year since then by the unanimous vote of the yearly Great Council of the Nemenhah. At the same time, the Band was established as an Independent Branch of the Oklevueha Native American Church of Utah, and later of the Oklevueha/Sioux Nation Allied Native American Church, under the direction of Chief Richard ‘He Who Has The Foundation’ Swallow, Head of the Eagle Clan of the Lakota and the Rosebud Native American Church.”

Wayman Tisdale, Dead at 44

Wayman Tisdale, has Died at the age of 44 . He was suffering from cancer from past several years.Tisdale died about 8 a.m. Friday at St. John Medical Center in Tulsa, hospital

After three years at Oklahoma, the 6-foot-9 Tulsa native spent 12 seasons in the NBA with the Indiana Pacers, Sacramento Kings and Phoenix Suns, then became an award-winning jazz musician, with several of his albums making the top 10 on the Billboard charts.

He discovered he had osteosarcoma after a fall down some stairs uncovered a cyst, which unfortunately resulted in the loss of his leg, and eventually his life.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

IIT Kanpur Students develops worlds lightest 3.5kg Nano satellite Jugnu

Students at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT K ) in collaboration with ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) developed the first nano satellite that might end up in space if all goes as planned.

This will be the first Indian satellite that has been developed entirely by college students. Once the work on the satellite is completed, the students will handover the same to ISRO for further tests, and it will be launched soon after. The handover is expected to happen sometime in November 2009.The nano satellite is interestingly called Jugnu and will be used to collect information for flood, drought, and disaster management. It will also be fitted with high definition cameras to capture detailed images to enable data analysis.

Weighing 3.5 kg, Jugnu will be 34 cm long and 10 cm wide. Equipped with Micro-Imaging System and Micro-Electronic System, Jugnu will transit images to the base station at the IIT-K campus.Jugnu is expected to be the worlds smallest and lightest nano satellite

Mark Herzlich diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma

Boston College linebacker Mark Herzlich is diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma , a rare type of bone cancer

Ewing sarcoma is a malignant round-cell tumor. It is a rare disease in which cancer cells are found in the bone or in soft tissue. The most common areas in which it occurs are the pelvis, the femur, the humerus, and the ribs.

This type of sarcoma is named after Dr James Ewing, who described the tumour in the 1920s.

It is a cancer which can develop anywhere in the body, although it most often starts in the bone (a primary bone tumour). Any bone can be affected, but the pelvis, thigh bone (femur) and shin bone (tibia) are the most common places. Ewing’s sarcoma is most commonly found in teenagers and young adults, and is slightly more common in males than females

Ewing sarcoma occurs most frequently in male teenagers, with a male/female ratio of 1.6:1.

Although usually classified as a bone tumor, Ewing sarcoma can have characteristics of both mesodermal and ectodermal origin, making it difficult to classify.

Woman jumps from a six-story building to save husband

A woman in Chinese province, jumped from a six-story building to save her husband .This incident took place on May 7, 2009 .She did this to prevent police from seizing her husband who was cornered in the building on suspicion of stealing power cables. The woman, who fell on the inflatable mattress arranged by the police, only suffered minor injuries .more details and pictures here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Landing plane catches fire passengers flee from burning window

A passenger plane crashed at HOUSTON . Passengers on a Southwest Airlines flight from New Orleans were forced to slide down emergency chutes after a tire caught fire as the plane landed in Houston. According to the reports all the passengers are safe,only two minor injuries are reported.

the tire blew around 7:50 p.m. Tuesday as Flight 519 from New Orleans landed at Houston Hobby Airport. Minutes later, fire crews arrived to put out the fire, and the passengers jumped down an emergency slide evacuating the plane one at a time. The passengers stood in a grassy median until they were taken back to the terminal.
The crash video can be watched from here

Taliban poisoned Afghan girls at school

Taliban trend of opposing girls going to school is becoming more fatal .The group has also stepped up their offensive against the education of women. In addition to physical attacks such as beatings and acid-throwing, female adolescents have also been bombed, their schools burned, and their teachers killed.Now Taliban is using poison gas against these school girls

In the second mass poisoning of female students in a month, nearly 50 teenagers are in hospital after a mystery gas attack at a girls' school in Afghanistan. Some 46 girls were being treated in hospital, and a few were still receiving oxygen, but none were in a life-threatening state.

The headmaster of Ura Jalili Girls High School in Afghanistan rushed his students out of their classrooms after they smelt an unusual odour and started feeling nauseous and dizzy, one 17-year-old victim told Reuters from her hospital bed.

"I am pretty sure whoever has done this is against education for girls, but I strongly ask the parents not to be discouraged, by such brutal action and send their children to school,“

There have been no clues as to what the gas was or where it came from

Monday, May 11, 2009

107 Year-Old chinese women seeking first husband

Wang Guiying is a 107-year-old Chinese woman.born in southern Guizhou province, the child of a salt merchant. She grew up watching her uncles and other men scold and beat their wives and this made her fear marriage.After Wang’s father, mother and older sister died, she still shied away from marriage and moved to the countryside where she survived as a farmer until she was 74 years old and no longer strong enough to work in the fields.

Now Wang has decided that it’s time to forget the past .she hopes to find a fellow centenarian so they will have something to talk about.

She came to her decision because she was worried that she had become a burden to her aging nieces and nephews, especially since she was forced to stop helping with household chores since breaking her leg when she was 102.

“My nephews and nieces are getting older and their children are already tied up with their own families and I am becoming more and more of a burden. I’m already 107 and I still haven’t gotten married. What will happen if I don’t hurry up and find a husband?”

Vadodara's man sets world record

He is a guy every company would yearn to hire.Why not, if he has worked for 1,100 days without leave? K Vijayan, 59, employed with a city-based hotel, hasn’t taken a single day’s leave for over three years now. Leave aside casual or sick leaves, Vijayan hasn’t even taken a single weekly off. And, this unusual feat has earned him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Vijayan works as night auditor at Surya Palace Hotel and his work starts at 11 pm and he leaves the hotel at 9 in the morning. “I had read about such records in newspapers a few months ago. It occurred to me that I hadn’t taken a single day off for years together and hence I decided to approach the GBWR,” added Vijayan.

When Vijayan went through the attendance register in the hotel earlier this year, he found that he hadn’t taken any leave or weekly offs for 1,100 nights. He contacted the GBWR authorities in March and informed them about his achievement. GBWR officials checked their records and found that no one held world record in such category. “They acknowledged my achievement and sent me procedural forms. The process to provide me a certificate is on,” said Vijayan who also fulfils all his social obligations during day time. This arts graduate came to the city about 36 years ago and began his career with Kalyan Hotel, one of the oldest food joint.

“I am proud to have a dedicated employee like Vijayan. He has been with us for the past 13 years and has never given us a chance to complain. I often tell him to take holidays, but he always refused,” said Piyush Shah, owner of Surya Palace Hotel. Didn’t his wife or children ever object to his workaholic ways? “I never objected or argued with him. He has always been dedicated to his work and I am proud of him. Also, he does fulfil all his personal commitments despite hectic work schedule,” said his wife Mrudula.

Apple goes green removes PVC from iphone

After a stir caused by Greenpeace few years ago when it released the analysis of Apple iPhone showing that it contains toxic chemicals ,Apple finally has removed PVC, a toxic chemical, from the iPhone 3G's internal wiring,but the company still only ranked 10th among major electronic manufacturers in Greenpeace's latest Guide to Greener Electronics.

Before Greenpeace has said that the iPhone contains toxic brominated compounds (indicating the prescence of brominated flame retardants (BFRs)) and hazardous PVCs.Two of the “phthalate plasticisers” found at high levels in the iPhone headphone cable are classified in Europe as ‘toxic to reproduction, category 2′ and are banned from use in all toys or childcare articles sold in Europe.The report noted that Nokia is totally PVC free and that Motorola and Sony Ericsson already have products on the market with BFR free components. Here is the Greenpeace demo video on the Analysis of iphone

CIA and ISI together created Taliban says Zardari

In a new astonishing disclosure , Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has said that the CIA of the United States and his country's ISI together created the Taliban.

Zardari said "I think it was part of your past and our past, and the ISI and CIA created them together," Zardari told the NBC news channel in an interview.

n the interview, which was given to the NBC on May 7, Zardari also accused the US of supporting the military rule of Pervez Musharraf who was alleged to be taking sides of the Taliban.

He disagreed with the popular belief in the US that the Pakistan military and intelligent services still have sympathies for the Taliban.

"I think General Musharraf may have had a mindset to run head and hand with the hound but certainly not on our watch. We don't have a tough process at all," Zardari said.

Asked about the influential role of the Pakistan army, Zardari said he is in control of everything in the country, including the military.

"The Parliament has final say. It's the Parliament form of government, and I am a product of the Parliament," he said.

Earlier, Zardari in an another interview had said that India was not a "threat" to his country and that Pakistan had moved some of its forces from its Indian border to western frontier to eliminate Taliban in its tribal belt.

See what Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars said on the relation between US and Taliban

Joan Rivers wins Celebrity Apprentice 2009

Joan Rivers has won the Celebrity Apprentice 2009 series .She is ultimately hired by Donald Trump. The poker player Annie Duke ultimately lost to Joan rivers.

The fundraiser was the main attraction of The grand finale and Joan Rivers was able to raise $150,830 for Charity “Gods Love We Deliver,” while Annie Duke had raised $465,725 for charity “Refugees International,” however Joan was able to run away with the Celebrity Apprentice crown.

God's Love We deliver has become more famous than Mr.Donald Trump himself. If you are wondering what is this then let me tell you. It's a charity proposed by Celebrity Apprentice 2009 winner Joan Rivers

Sunday, May 10, 2009

NASA ready for Shuttle launch to Hubble trip

NASA is ready for its launch of space shuttle Atlantis on its final mission to service the Hubble telescope, the US space agency said on Sunday."Atlantis is ready to fly," said test director Charlie Blackwell-Thompson, adding that the countdown to launch was proceeding on schedule, with liftoff expected Monday at 2:01 pm

The 11-day shuttle mission aims to provide the fifth and final maintenance operation to the Hubble before the shuttle fleet is retired, and if successful NASA has said the mission would extend the star-gazer's life by at least five years

NASA experts stressed that the Atlantis mission carries heavy risks.

"This will be the most challenging servicing mission that's been faced by our astronauts in terms of the total amount of work,"

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quit smoking by smoking ECigarettes !

An electronic cigarette or "e-cigarette" is an alternative to smoked tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. It is a battery-powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by delivering a vaporized propylene glycol/nicotine solution. In addition to nicotine delivery, this vapor also provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke, while no tobacco, smoke, or combustion is actually involved in its operation.

So now you can quit smoking by smoking ecigrates .But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration isn’t so sure. E-cigarettes have not been approved as a quitting method like the nicotine patch or gum, or as an alternative to smoking like chewing tobacco.

The World Health Organization in a statement last year said e-cigarettes are not a legitimate therapy for smokers trying to quit and questioned the product’s safety.Besides all these arguments ecigrate has the following advantages

* ECigarette does not contain the over 4000 POISONOUS substances and harmful CHEMICALS found in real cigarettes that cause heart attack and cancer, such as nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, acetone, sulfuric acid and more.
* You can ENJOY the ECigarette in places where regular cigarettes are PROHIBITED, even in bed.
* ECigarette use costs less than real cigarettes.
* ECigarette eliminates the dangers of second-hand smoke, so you can smoke around others without causing ill effects. While there may be a faint scent for a few seconds, there is virtually NO smell as the vapor quickly vanishes.
* Eliminate the nasty smell, messy ashes and cigarette butts.

* Eliminate bad breath and smoke odor on your body and clothes, as well as in your home and car.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mars Real Chocolate Relief Act To Offer Millions Of Free Chocolate Treats

Mars Snackfood US announced today the creation of the Mars Real Chocolate Relief Act, a nationwide effort to provide millions of Americans with free, full-sized samples of Mars real chocolate, product discounts and coupons along with the proclamation of Free Chocolate Fridays. Every week through the end of September, Mars will give away a 250,000 full-size packages of real chocolate on Free Chocolate Fridays. Americans can claim one of 250,000 full-value coupons each Friday beginning today at 9 a.m. by visiting Coupons, which will be mailed to consumers, will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis and are redeemable for any full-size Mars real chocolate product. The coupons will be limited to one per person, per week.

You can enter your email and they will send you a reminder email in case you could possibly forget about free chocolate.

TAGS:mars chocolate, mars candy, mars free chocolate, mars real chocolate, real chocolate relief act

Special messages for your special mother for this special Mother's Day

Mother is a gift of god.She protects you from all the evils of the world and gives you a secure shelter in her lap whenever you feel stressed and insecure.In this mother's day, shower your mother with all the good messages we have exclusively given for you.

Happy Mothers Day,
Mommy you are the best mom I ever known and I will keep saying this you need award for being the best mom in the world.
Suzette and Suzanne

I love my Mother a lot and I know she loves me too whatever the child is, my Mom is Best in the whole world.

We may have fights, but you will always be my mother. I would like you to know I love You and I hope you have the Best Mother's Day yet.

You filled my days with rainbow lights,
Fairytales and sweet dream nights,
A kiss to wipe away my tears,
Gingerbread to ease my fears.
You gave the gift of life to me
And then in love, you set me free.
I thank you for your tender care,
For deep warm hugs and being there.
I hope that when you think of me
A part of you
You'll always see.

I do not have flowers or a diamond necklace but I send you love and kisses for it is mothers day that is coming up. I never told u that I luv u and I care about and if I dont hav u I will cry like any person will do; I will probably die for u if I have the chance.

We wish we could tell you,
Ma that how much you mean to us....
We have no words to say about
how much we appreciate you...
how much we admire you...
how much we thank you
for everything you've done.
We love you so much Ma...
Happy Mother's Day
Sonal, Yash

My mummy,
You are my 'supermom' in the whole world..
And I'm your 'tinyhero' who always break the rules
but never across the 'wild' borders..
You always protect me with your 'magic touch' & 'mighty hands'..
You never let me down even if I'm so close to be 'terminated' from the universe..
Susanna O Tam, my dearest mummy,
I love u today, tomorrow n till the end..
Happy Mama's Day!!!
From Jenifer

You know I would have realized how fortunate I am to have a mother like you. I am so grateful and blessed for having a special mom who is always there for me. I appreciate you a lot.
From Keneoe Mphamo

Thank you for all the things you have done for me. I may not understand you on some things but I know that you're only doing what you know is right for me. I thank God for giving you as my mom because there's no other mother who could replace you to me...
"Thank you" may not be enough so receive my hug! hmm..
Happy Mother's Day nanay...
luv yu much! -jenipot
From Jepe

My Mummy is as nice as a sweet
She's as pretty as a flower
She's as wise as an owl
She's as fast as a cheetah
She can dance like the wind and can even sing a little.
But one thing is for sure.
I love her and I always will!
From Samantha

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us;
When adversity takes the place of prosperity;
When friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us;
When troubles thicken around us;
Still she will cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
From Karen

Today is one special day of year,
Let's celebrate!
Happy Mother's Day!
From Shushanik

Happy Mother's Day to you. Thanks for bringing me to school not late.
With love
From Tyler Roy

I love you a lot and always will. We know that you'll always love us too, you'll always care for us, no matter what the age. Just know no matter what you do, no one will be able to replace you.
From Jaina

Hey mom, I just want to say how much wonderful you are. You have shown me your love right from my birth.
From Farisani

You are a great and loving mother. Wish you a long lfe so that you may extend your warmth and loving care to us. Just want to thank you for all the love and caring you gave us.
William Jamotillo

Mommy, I love u so much, I thank God for u. Happy Mother's Day each day of the whole year through and may everyone have someone to love as warm and kind as you.

Mummy, you have been the best mother in the world to me. I really pray that this Mother's Day will be a special day to you. May God bless you as you have been a real big blessing to me. I love
you lots.

You have the sweetest smile that there could ever be and most of all I love you for always loving me!

I have grown up with out a mother but have a very super step-mum. She has made my great father in to a very great man.
I love you lots
Sheena Louise Shaw

Mom, you are the greatest! Thanks for all you do. Please know how much you are loved and appreciated.
Hudson, Ma

Mum although we haven't always been close, she has always been there through thick and through thin and through child birth. Love you lots mum even though I don't say it enough. HUGS MY MUM
Kathaleen Keira

Mom, it's been 2 years this month since you passed away. I miss you so much.
You were my best friend. Your love and compassion is with me everyday. I miss our weekends conversations. My dream about you seemed so real. But I couldn't take you home with me.
You are always on my heart.
Angie Blankinship

* Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly. - Sarah Malin
* If I had a flower for each time I thought of My Mother, I could walk in my garden forever. - Unknown
* Mother is the name for god on the lips and hearts of all children - Brandon Lee
* Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. - Marion C. Garretty
* All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother. - Abraham Lincoln
* There is no velvet so soft as a mother's lap, no rose as lovely as her smile, no path so flowery as that imprinted with her footsteps. - Archibald Thompson
* The Miracle of Life nurtured by a woman who gave us love and sacrifice...MOTHER - Joel Barquez
* This heart, my own dear mother, bends, with love's true instinct, back to thee! - Thomas Moore

Top Ten Reason why sites like Reddit and Digg should be avoided

1. First, the notorious “Digg Effect” can knock your site offline for hours on end, downing your server and preventing your real readers from getting to your latest and greatest post.
2. Second, Diggers, Stumblers, and Redditers (is that a word?) tend to be marginally more internet savvy than other web users. This usually means they will either ignore your blog’s monetization efforts or negatively vote for your monetized blog. If they have Adblock Plus running in Firefox they will never see your ads and scripts anyway. So, not only can these social bookmarking sites send you offline, even if your server stays ahead of the crowd, the surge in traffic will not help you pay the resulting increased bandwidth costs.
3. Third, that massive one-off server hit does not represent a large proportion of web traffic and gives bloggers a false impression of their site’s popularity. Just because Digg etc are trendy, at the moment, does not mean that they represent anything but a small minority of the net surfing public. In fact, the vast majority of browsing of websites, including blogs, still comes from the major search engines, across almost all sites. Social bookmarkers represent a tiny niche. Nevertheless, the search engine companies recognize the existence of this trickle of users and are already stemming the flow by developing web 2.0 type searching of their own, e.g. Google’s searchmash.
4. Fourth, do you enjoy visiting websites that have dozens of chicklets and socializing icons attached to every post? Thought not. Then why would your visitors? If you are using a plugin such as Alex King’s ShareThis or AddThis, then that is probably the happy medium between having no social icons and having just one to cover all bases. But, see items 1-3 for reasons not to add this extra layer of blog bureaucracy to your visitors’ experience in the first place.
5. Fifth, social bookmarking can deflate a blogger’s ego in two respects. If you do not ever get Digged, Stumbled, or Redd, then you might begin to think that your posts are failing to impress. Similarly, if you do get bookmarked on those sites and either get little or lots of traffic from them, the comments that users leave can often cut to the quick. A fragile ego could be shattered by a throwaway, yet scathing, remark from a single commentator on Digg.
6. Sixth, the enormous exposure you might gain, however transiently, will expose you to a far greater number of malicious net surfers who will see your site as an attractive target for various bad deeds. For instance, being Digged is more than likely to expose your site to more spammers and scrapers, but more worryingly is that a flippant remark made in a single post could become the target of a vindictive lawyer hoping to make a fast buck out of you.
7. Seventh, social bookmarks will drain your time, reducing the number of hours left each day for actual blogging, or even totally preventing you leaving your computer’s side. The more attractive you try to make your site to Digg etc, the more time you will spend checking backlinks, looking at stats, and keeping track of your Digged articles, just in case one of them ever gets hitt hard.
8. Eighth, you may have written provocative and attractive copy and when that SB Effect hits, you may be expecting a stack of great comments to bump up your site’s content still further. You won’t get it. Digg and other social bookmarkers rarely bother to comment on blogs. Specifically, Digg users are at best tolerant of blogs and at worst hate them with a vengeance (see above).
9. Ninth, you might have half a dozen newsfeed subscribers today, but what about after the Stumblers land? Sorry, it will not make much difference, just as those users do not tend to leave comments they will also likely fail to subscribe to your RSS either, no matter how prominent your giant orange feed icon.
10. Tenth and finally, despite the hyperbole, social bookmarking, like all the other web 2.0 malarkey is a passing phase, it is a fairly big phase, but it is passing nevertheless. If you aim to keep up with it, you will lose focus, and in a couple of years time, when it is but a memory and we have moved on to web 3.0 (or maybe just web 2.1), your social bookmarking stacked site will look very old hat, whether that’s white or black, does not matter.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

No food no water this boy survives only on petrol

He is mischievous just like any other 8-year-old boy. But what makes him inimitable is his strange addiction of drinking petrol. At this age of 8 when boys wants Pepsi or cola this boy name sajid only wants petrol . He don't remember when he had his meals last time . He don't eats

He sneaks into courtyards , garages and vehicle parking space around at Anwarganj in Kanpur (India) to steal his cherished drink. Unsurprisingly, he is a big headache for his neighbors.

His family say that Sajid turned a petroholic when he was just two-and-a-half years of age. It was while playing outside that he sniffed petrol and henceforth developed a fascination for it. Later, he turned a nuisance since he made it a habit to cut fuel hose pipes of automobiles and drink petrol.

One of his routine victims is Junaid, the owner and caretaker of the nearby parking lot, who has to stay on an extra vigil lest Sajid should arrive and go about cutting pipes here.

He says: "This is our vehicle parking stand and this child comes here stealthily and drinks the petrol from the tank of the parked vehicles. Our customers get very angry.

Despite all precautionary measures, Sajid is unstoppable. He somehow manages to sneak in, approaches the two and four-wheelers parked inside the stand, targets the fuel tank or the hose connection and steals petrol.

He can drink 2 liters of petrol at a time . He generally avoids school.

Dog fights mountain lion to save his Master

A mixed breed Dog named Hoagie -- and the mountain lion fought a ferocious battle at one of the lake's campgrounds that saved the man's life and nearly killed the dog, who was rushed into four hours of surgery, according to authorities.

"There's no question the dog saved his life," said Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino.

The incident occurred about 1 p.m. at the Blue Jay Campground, Amormino said. The man, who was walking with his wife, and Hoagie had walked ahead, when the mountain lion appeared and charged at the man. The dog intervened.

Hoagie was taken to a veterinarian in Wildomar and made it through surgery. Park rangers closed the campground and searched for the mountain lion late Tuesday. The couple were not hurt.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jerry Remy is out due to complications of lung cancer surgery performed over the winter.

A former smoker who underwent surgery for lung cancer late last year, Remy had expected to return to the booth this season, but an infection and a subsequent case of pneumonia forced him to miss most of spring training.

“I hope that disclosing my bout with cancer will reinforce the dangers of smoking to every member of Red Sox Nation, especially children,” Remy said.

Giant bird-eating spiders invade Australian town

Have you seen eight legged beast in your travels? Scores of eastern tarantulas, which are known as "bird-eating spiders" and can grow larger than the palm of a man's hand

For about six weeks, residents of Bowen,Queensland ,Australia have reported seeing huge bird-eating spiders crawling around their backyards and gardens. It was found in a public area, just wandering around the garden areas. It's a bit scary for the people.These spiders are very shy. They normally never venture out too far but obviously these ones have been flushed out for some reason. Watch this video showing how a Giant bird eating Spiders kill and eats a rat.

Barack Obama Orders Ray's Hell Burgers

Obama and Biden waited their turn in line. After a few moments, Obama looked toward pool and said, “Who’s taking orders here?
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.

When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. The guy who took Obama’s order and money was Tim Murray. There’s still some debate among press on exactly what Obama ordered, since it was hard to hear. He definitely had a burger. I heard him say “basic cheeseburger, medium well.” But someone else heard him say “Swiss mushroom burger.” He definitely asked Mr. Murray for “spicy mustard, if you have it.” There may have also been talk of tater tots.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nine-year-old girl gets divorce from 50-yr-old man

A Nine-year-old Saudi girl, whose father gave her to a friend in settlement of a debt, has finally got divorce from a 50-year-old man after widespread international criticism over the Saudi Arabia's human rights practices.

The decision came after the first two petitions failed, media reported.

"This is a good step and I think the man did it because he was in a lot of pressure from everyone," Wajeha Al-Huaider, founder of the Group for Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia, told.

Al-Huaider, who campaigned for the child, said she hoped the pressure generated by the case would eventually lead to a law banning child marriages.

The girl was married last year when she was eight. Her mother opposed the marriage and took the case to the court last year.

The case has reopened the debate in Saudi Arabia on whether a minimum age for marriage should be introduced.

First US face transplant

Connie Culp,The mother of two who underwent the first face transplant surgery in the U.S., speaks to the media at a news conference at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. The 46-year-old mother of two lost most of the midsection of her face to a gunshot in 2004. The initial surgery by the Cleveland Clinic team took place in December 2008.

Tags:connie culp, face transplant pictures, connie culp face transplant

Say no to Bangalore, yes to Buffalo: Obama

Continuing the anti-outsourcing card, US president Barack Obama on Tuesday said while America cannot "shy away" from globalisation, it would have to take measures to ensure that jobs are not shipped overseas.

"We have to stop providing tax breaks for companies that are shipping jobs overseas and give those tax breaks to companies that are investing here in the United States of America,"

"We can't have toys with lead paint in them that our children are playing with. We can't have medicines that are actually making people more sick instead of better because they're produced overseas," Obama said.

U.S. President Barack Obama is leaving no stone unturned in his effort to bring the ailing American economy back on track. Keeping his promises, Obama has announced an end to the years of tax incentives to those U.S. firms which create jobs overseas in places like Bangalore. And instead, the incentives would now go to those creating jobs inside the U.S., in places like the Buffalo, a city bordering Canada in upstate New York.

Obama said, "We will stop letting American companies that create jobs overseas take deductions on their expenses when they do not pay any American taxes on their profits. We will use the savings to give tax cuts to companies that are investing in research and development here at home so that we can jump start job creation, foster innovation, and enhance America's competitiveness."

Naman ojha shines as Rajasthan post record total

A record 135-run opening-wicket partnership helped Rajasthan Royals post a massive 211 for four in their Indian Premier League match against Kings XI Punjab in Kingsmead, Durban, on Tuesday.

It is the first time that the 200-run mark has been surpassed in the second edition of the tournament, Delhi's 189 for five against Chennai being the highest previously.

Graeme Smith (77) and Naman Ojha (68) both helped themselves to well-constructed half-centuries as Rajasthan's batting woes were finally overcome.

To say Punjab's bowling was disappointing would be akin to stating the obvious, but, more importantly, and to their detriment, Yusuf Abdulla, the holder of the Purple cap for most wickets in the tournament, went wicketless in his three overs and conceded a whopping 44 runs.

Punjab are in second place on the table with four wins (out of seven) going into the match while Rajasthan second from bottom with just three wins from seven matches. Now, things seemed set to change after the next 20 overs.

Ojha had taken 16 off Powar's first over and Punjab began on an inauspicious note. The bowler did not come back to bowl again till the 11th over.

Ojha went on to smash Irfan Pathan over deep square leg fence for another six.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Jessica Simpson In Vanity Fair

Jessica Simpson has landed the cover of the June issue of Vanity Fair.In the interview she talks about ex-husband Nick Lachey, boyfriend and Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, marriage and her faith.

Jessica also talks about her current beau, Cowboys Quarterback Tony Romo, and the criticism she faced when games were lost.She said

“That’s how the story goes. Can’t help it. But we don’t let it affect our relationship. If we did, we wouldn’t be together, because it happened at the very beginning. Dating the Cowboys quarterback comes with hype, the fans, the bloggers, but I’ve never dated a guy that was more simple. I’m always there for him after a game, and he knows he has me to come home to.”

More in the vedio

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Google Hires 200 Goats to Munch their Weeds

In kind of an odd incident , Google announced on Friday that the company has contracted California Grazing, a goat herding company, in an effort to make their pastures … and their carbon emissions, a bit greener. Instead of using a lawnmower crew to take care of the brush and weeds growing outside of their Mountain View based headquarters, Google is going au-natural and responsible with a new herd of 200 goats and one border collie.

The goats will spend about a week at Google, work their way through the weeds, and then fertilize the Googleplex property with fresh goat droppings, for about the same cost that it takes to contract a landscaping and bush hogging crew, their gasoline, and carbon emissions.

Google’s Dan Hoffman, Director Real Estate and Workplace Services, adds on the Google Blog “It costs us about the same as mowing, and goats are a lot cuter to watch than lawn mowers.”

On a side note, Google was not the first search engine to hire Goats, as Yahoo started the practice back in 2007.

Artist creates invisible car

Have you ever thought that your car could be invisible .This now looks to be possible
The 22-year-old student at the University of Central Lancashire spray painted a battered Skoda Fabia to match the car park and entrance to her art studio.

Her work, created as part of her drawing and image making course at the university, creates the illusion that the car is see through.

She was given the car from a breakers yard and worked for three weeks to ensure that it blended perfectly with its surroundings.

"I was experimenting with the whole concept of illusion but needed something a bit more physical to make a real impact." said Miss Watson, who is from Ashton under Lyne.

"People have been stopping in the street to look and coming up and almost bumping into it, so it's had the desired effect."

The car is reminiscent of the work by pavement artist Julian Beever, whose attempts to trick people's minds into seeing perspective on the flat surfaces of paving stones.

Steve Jackson, owner of Recycling Lives, the firm that gave Miss Watson the car, said: "When I first saw the photos I was convinced it was something which had been done on the computer, but when you look more closely you see the effort and attention to detail she has put into it. It is just amazing."

Woman held for cheating 10 husbands

The Sion police on Saturday arrested Kausar Begam, a 32-year-old woman from Bangalore, for allegedly marrying and divorcing 10 Mumbai businessmen in 18 years, and blackmailing and threatening them. Her parents — father Iqbal Pasha and mother Gulnaz — who supported her in duping her husbands of lakhs of rupees, were also arrested.

The matter came to light when a 35-year-old exporter from Powai, Sayyed Ahmed, complained to the Sion police that his wife and her parents had been blackmailing him for two years.

It was learnt that the trio would visit star hotels in and target businessmen. Kausar Begam would befriend them and put up a marriage plan. After marrying the man, she would leave his house with valuables and lodge dowry complaint against him and in-laws. Ahmed's lawyer, Ganesh Iyer, told, 'He was Begam's ninth husband. They got married in 2006, and 15 days into the marriage she left his house along with gold and diamond ornaments that were given to her by Ahmed's family. She went to her parents' home in Bangalore without informing him."

She and her parents lodged a complaint with the Sion police, claiming that his family was harassing her for dowry. They also claimed his family had taken Rs 15 lakh from her, and demanded the money back. The current husband was a Dubai-based doctor.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nikki Catsouras dies in a horrifying car accident

Nikki Catsouras died in a horrific car crash in 2006. Within days of Nikki’s death, her father received an email that he thought to be a property listing. But that was far from the case. Instead, what he saw was the gruesome accident scene photos of their once-living 18 year old daughter accompanied by the following caption: “Whoohoo Daddy! Hey Daddy, I’m still alive.”

The California Highway Patrol apologized for the leaked images. Two CHP dispatchers leaked the pictures of the accident scene and Nikki’s horrific death onto the Internet.

Since that shocking experience, her family has spent lots of money in legal fees in an attempt to stop cyber bullies from posting the accident pictures online. Indeed, the car crash photo controversy has morphed into a case about cyber-privacy and harassment.

Indian Engineering Students invented worlds first Air Powered Bike

A group of Indian engineering students has invented a unique pollution free bike which runs on air pressure and does not emit carbon into the atmosphere.It takes air as fuel and emit air as exhaust

Equipped with two compressed air cylinders, the 100cc bike currently runs at a speed of 18km per hour, but the students hope to make it faster.

Village of Unmarried People’s Road to Love

The remote village of Barwaan Kala, west of Bihar in the heart of the Kaimur Hills in India, is the home of some 121 bachelors between the ages of 16 and 80.

Since the village is so remote and there are no decent roads to allow outsiders to travel to and from the village, it has become known locally as the “Village of Unmarried People”.

The townsfolk have longed dreamed that they would be able to have a road developed so that they could finally attract women from local villages to come and visit them.

This vision seemed a lot closer to fruition when during the last state assembly elections, a party candidate, Ram Chandra Singh Yadav, visited the village and promised that if elected, he would build them a road. He also made one promise that he didn’t keep; namely, that he would not get married unless he could build the villagers a road.

“The biggest problem for us and for outsiders is the difficult hilly terrain to pass through,” said 40-year-old bachelor Ram Lal Yadav.

The men got tired of waiting for help, and armed with tools, decided to take matters into their own hands. Although they have collectively laid more than half of the four-mile stretch of road across very hilly terrain, there are legal problems that may stand in their way to their path of happiness.

Unfortunately, The area is within a zone that protects wild life and where guidelines for construction projects are strictly enforced.

After all of their work, the government may intervene and stop them from completing their road to ecstasy.

Perhaps they could claim that as bachelors without potential heirs they represent an “endangered species”?

Hopefully then the government will take pity on these poor men and let them finish their road that can only lead to the better things in life.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Former Mustang Baseball Standout Danny Gans Dies at 52

Former Cal Poly baseball player Danny Gans, named "Las Vegas Entertainer of the Year" for 11 consecutive years, died early May 1, according to United Press International. Gans was 52. The cause of death was not immediately known, although the Las Vegas Review Journal reported Gans had apparently died in his sleep.

He is survived by his wife, Julie, and three children. Gans billed himself as a "musical impressionist" who delighted audiences with his takes on legendary Strip entertainers.

He was the top attraction at the Mirage for more than a dozen years until February when he moved to Encore, the new Wynn hotel-casino that opened late last year.

Tummy Tub super cool product for your baby

Here's a unique product for your baby . the Tummy Tub Baby Bucket Bath is supposed to remind your newborn of the womb. The baby stays in a fetal position, stays warmer as the water level is higher than a bath, and the manufacturer claims it can even help settle babies down and help them sleep. I've never tried it, but I really can't imagine putting a newborn in this. Maybe a 3 month old child, but a baby that can't even keep it's head up? Just the thought makes me nervous If you wish to purchase it then you can visit here
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