Jyoti Amge, is a 15 years old teenage student from India . The most incredible fact about her is that she is just 1 feet 11 inches or 58 cm tall. She is also the worlds smallest girl .She is shorter than the average two-year-old child and only weighs 11lb
She has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and won't grow any taller than her current height.Despite this, she goes to a regular school in Nagpur, central India, where she has her own small desk and chair, and her classmates treat her like any other student
Jyoti is treated like a mini-celebrity in her home town, where people flock to meet her and some even treat her like a goddess.
She will even be releasing an album with her favourite Indian pop star, the bhangra/rap star Mika Singh.
Jyoti Amge chats to her friends on her cellphone
Riding on her brother's motorcycle, Jyoti might be deemed as his daughter.
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